Saturday, June 6, 2009

Peonies Take Their Turn

This is the first peony to bloom - the red is really deeper than the photos show, and look particularly dark in the rain this morning. We think we might be transported back to Washington, or even to Ireland. The back 40 (the two extra lots) are green enough for Ireland. We never water them in the summer time, so they turn brown, but right now, we are lush, much to Ron's dismay, because he still has to mow them. There is fresh snow on the mountains this morning. Is spring really here? Or just pretending.


Joleen said...

Aunt Elizabeth, your garden must be amazing. I still drive by your old house on Tumwater Hill from time to time, and the new owners are doing an ok job keeping the garden. Thank-you for sharing your blooms.

Elizabeth said...

Thanks, Joleen. The last couple of years we lived there, one of the Dietz girls came over and helped me pull weeds now and then. One time when we were back, she informed me that the people who bought our place didn't really know how to take care of the garden. I have to admit that that tickled my ego. I wish my gardens in Preston were amazing, but instead, they are small land challenging. I'm still waiting for the lily that is supposed to grow to be 6' tall to get that big. (By the way, I loved your peony tree.)