Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day, Ron!

Of course, I never knew my husband until he was in his mid-40's, when we met in Washington State, but from the looks of this high school picture, he was a charmer, with a mischevious gleam in his eye. He tried hard to be a good father to his four children, and then became an adopted father to my five. What a job! It's a good thing he has broad shoulders and a big heart!


Julia said...

What a treat to see this picture for Father's Day! Dad - you not only tried hard - you succeeded in being a great father. Thank you for your love and guidance through all the days of my life! I love you!

jennywren said...

Tell Dad I know how much he loves this picture! It looks like the best friend of the girl on the card I sent him. Great minds...thanks Elizabeth.

Judy said...

How nice to see the rest of the story in reverse!

Ann said...

I'm just catching up on reading blogs, so forgive a late comment. What a fun picture of Ron - and what a handsome young man. Fun stuff!