Friday, June 5, 2009

Why are Iris Sometimes Called Flags?

How does one pick a favorite flower? After the fragrant perfume of the lilacs is gone, then comes the totally different, sweet perfume of the iris. And can anyone tell me why iris are called flags?
On the patio table, the dancing frogs are celebrating the beauty of the yellow iris - and yellow is my favorite color. (I think)
Of course, iris comes in different colors - some combinations so utterly unusual and unexpected.
Oh, yes, and the columbine are gracing one of the front flowerbeds, keeping the bleeding heart(s) company. Sweet, sweet spring!


Anonymous said...

There's a LOVELY Iris in Alaska - one of the few that survive the winters - it's called Blue Flag Iris. I LOVE it - but I don't think that Washington state is the place for it - I think it really needs to be frozen during the winter. ;)
I don't know WHY they are called flag - maybe it's cause they're waving? ;) oh - and CUTE frogs!

jennywren said...

What a pick me up to see these beautiful flowers, you and Andrea are such an inspiration to me. I really am trying to grow something other then that tempramental ivy. Andrea said I'm doing good so far, 1 week and counting! She gave me some starts and I an commited! It was hard in 90 degree heat. Send your prayers to all my living things.